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Countdown Timer Using Tkinter

Countdown Timer Using Tkinter

With the help of tkinter we create a countdown timer project for beginners. Tkinter is the built in python package. Tkinter provides GUI (Graphical User Interface)toolkit. With the help of this developer can create any GUI projects. 

Steps of the Project:

1. import tkinter package

2. create a basic gui 

3. add entry for Hrs, Mins, & Secs. and start button

4.  Create a function containing logic of timer


Step 1: Importing required packages  

Step 2: Create Basic GUI 

Step 3: Adding entry for Hrs. Mins. & Secs. and declare variable to store this values.

Step 4: Create a function to perform timer.

This is how we create countdown timer using python tkinter. 

In this project we use divmod() function. This function helps to calculate quotient and remainder both.

for example:-

1.print(divmod(25,5)) => (5,0)

2.print(divmod(5,2)) => (2,1)

In the first example 25 is divided by 5 so quotient is 5 & remainder is 0. and same in second example 5 is divided by 2 so quotient is 2 & remainder is 1

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