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Rock Paper and Scissor Game Using Tkinter | Python |

 Rock Paper and Scissor Game Using Tkinter

Hello Friends in this blog we will learn how to create Rock Paper & Scissor game using tkinter. Tkinter provides GUI toolkit. Tkinter is a built in library of python with the help of this we can create so many GUI applications.
To create Rock Paper & Scissor game their are some conditions:

Rock + Paper => Paper Win
Rock+Scissor =>Rock Win
Rock+Rock => Match Draw

Paper+Rock => Paper win
Paper+Scissor=> scissor win
Paper+Paper => Draw

Scissor+Paper => Scissor Win
Scissor+Rock => Rock Win
Scissor+Scissor =>Match Draw

Our complete project is depend on this conditions.

Steps to complete this project:

1. Import require modules and library

2. Create Basic GUI window for our projects:

3. Declare the values for computer & score of player and computer:

4. Create a function for Rock:

5. Create Function for Paper:

6. Create a function for Scissor:

7. Create a function to reset our game:

This is code snippets of this project:



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