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Simple Calculator Using Python


 Simple Calculator Using Python


Hello friends in this blog we will learn how we can create simple calculator using python.

To create calculator we required Tkinter library which is built-in library of python. With the help of this library we can create GUI of the application. 

To create calculator we follow some steps:-

1) Import all required libraries and create the basic window:-

2) Add required widgets to window:- In this step add number and operators buttons to the window.

3) Create function for each button:- In this step create separate functions for 0 to 9 numbers, operator (+,-,*,/), equals, clear buttons.

    i] Function for 0 to 9 numbers:- Here we create one function for 0 to 9 numbers. We pass number as a parameter to function so that one function is enough for 0 to 9 number buttons.

    ii] Function for operators(+,*,-,\):- Here we create separate functions for each operator. 


    iii] Function for equal button:- In this function actual calculation will perform.


To know more about this project please watch this project video.


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